Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting High on Yoga or as Preparation for Yoga?

About three-fourths of the way in to Stephanie Syman's The Subtle Body, the 1960's arrive with their emphasis on pharmaceutical yoga. The preceding decade had nearly stripped yoga clean of its spiritual trappings and as the pendulum nearly always wildly over corrects, flower-children sought to erase the physical yoga and replace it entirely with "enlightenment".

A tad on the lazy and impatient side, Baby Boomers didn't have time to wait for meditation or asana to reveal the true self ready for communion with God. They were the first tv dinner generation after all and true believers in the scientific methods promises of a brighter, faster and less energy intensive tomorrow. They were ripe for the illusion that the drug culture would push at them - enlightenment was just a swallow, injection or puff away.

As my teacher Jill reminded me, "People are always ready to believe the illusions."

Probably because illusions require a lot less work of them.

Yoga managed to survive the 60's, but there are still those who are seduced by delusion.

The Globe and Mail recently reported Marijuana Yoga is enjoying a resurgence. Instructor Dee Dussault of Toronto openly runs an "enhanced" yoga class from her home. Students bring their own pot which they smoke small doses of before beginning their asana practice.

Proponents claim that getting high before yoga enhances their concentration skills and Dussault says,

smoking marijuana in small doses before a yoga class also makes students more receptive to the poses and philosophies behind the activities. “For some people, it makes them uninhibited and open to the idea of the heart chakra, for example.”

My personal take is that like any drug, marijuana acts upon a person and that any feelings or insights a person might have are coming from the drug's effect and not any sort of a-ha that the yogi/yogina may have intuited though their own efforts. It's like letting someone else do your homework and than believing you learned something in the process.

They call it "being under the influence" for a reason. You are no longer driving.

But that's my opinion. What's yours?

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