Sunday, September 12, 2010

Reasons to Make Time for Exercise

Everyone seems to have a handy "dog ate my gym shorts" excuse for not exercising even when research couldn't be more clear about the need for regular workouts.

In addition to obesity issues, a regular, vigorous exercise program can stave off high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease. It's good for preserving memory and enhancing intellect and it's one of the best stress relievers around.

So why don't more people work out?


For the most part, people who fail to exercise simply claim to not have enough time in the days or weeks to work out.

According to Julie Pippert at Choose You. Lack of time is not an acceptable excuse and offers the following list as proof that finding time is worth the effort:

* Increased energy level
* Lower your cholesterol levels
* Reduce your blood pressure
* Reduced aches and pains
* Improved mobility
* Improve your breathing
* Help you sleep better and wake more rested
* Prevention of angina, chest pain caused by decreased oxygen to the heart
* Decreases your risk of sudden death from heart disease or stroke
* Prevention of Type 2 diabetes
* Improved blood sugar levels

I am fortunate to have a job that is exercise in addition to a blogging gig that provides me with a flexible schedule, but back in the day when time was premium, I fit fitness wherever I could.

I walked at lunch and had a mini-trampoline at home that I used after I'd put my daughter to bed. I also made sure that I went to the fitness center at least three times a week and chose one with on-site child care to make certain I had no excuse not to.

Today I have a treadmill in the basement and a membership at the local yoga studio that's just expensive enough that I will feel wasteful if I don't drop in for class at least three times a week.

The bottom line is that there is something you can do and some time you can do it if you give it a little thought and make the promise to yourself. You are worth it.

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