Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saying NO to Stress

Last week I sent my editor a note to explain my two week absence from posting. Technically, I am required to submit two posts a week, but I just hadn't been able to find anything to write about that didn't set me to questioning my reasons for writing in the first place.

The blogging biz is about generating page views and that usually means ferreting out the breaking, the hot, the trending and the controversial stories in an effort to lure readers and provoke them to comment. And it's not like I haven't stumbled across any number of videos on the verge of viral or news items begging for a riotous comment war. I find this stuff effortlessly, but lately, I don't feel so good about my job. It seems that much of what I write stirs people only to the point of spewing a comment that wings nuttily to the nutty right or feeds the illusions of some removed from reality lefties.

I know it's just a perception thing. I see only the hits, the hysterical back and forth or the way truly important issues languish without views because facts are not entertaining and reality is boring when it isn't being taped for television.

But I am disheartened and find the act of blogging for the cause stressful as a result.

Jade reminds me that even if my writing inspires one person to think about something in a different light than I have done something, but right now, I am tired and find the virtual work world flat and sterile.

So I told my editor I needed time in the real world, which I have been taking. Stress, real or simply imagined has the same effect on the body and it's not pretty. The Internet won't grind to a halt if I am not adding to the din for a while and listening to my body and soul is yoga.

Have you listened to yourself lately?

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Appreciate your views. Spam will be deleted without question and if you're having a bad .. day, year, life ... rethink b/c I am only just so "yoga" about snark for it's own sake.