Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yoga Bucket List for Summer

The Spoiled Yogi wrote a wonderful post recently about a bucket list for summer, inviting readers to come up with lists of their own. Though I am generally not a "bucket list" kind of girl, I liked the idea of having a few summer oriented goals. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that living in Canada now, summer has taken on a sacred sort of earnest frenzy for me.

So, the list:
  1. Practice outdoors.
  2. Strike a scenic yoga tourist pose at every stop along our holiday route.
  3. Master an arm balance (I haven't decided which one yet.)
  4. Juice more.
  5. Learn to really use my camera.
  6. Spend less time at the computer.
  7. Camp more.
  8. Hike regularly.
  9. Engage in some serious stuff purging in my home.
  10. Bake more.
How about you?

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