Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Yoga Room Is No More

My first teaching job was filling in at The Yoga Room in Fort Saskatchewan even before I'd finished my YogaWorks training. Unlike many prospective yoga teachers, I didn't have trouble finding that first opportunity and I credit the kindness and open-mindedness of the owner, Jade, completely for the faith, trust and experience.

Just a bit over a year since my first class, The Yoga Room is closing its doors. At the end of the month, the studio will be no more and I am saddened by this even while totally understanding Jade's decision to move in a different direction with her life.

She generously offered the studio to any of the current teaching staff, but no one was able to take on a business venture right now. Even I turned it down and I still feel lingering regret for having done so. But as I have written, a yoga studio is a business. Few of us enjoy the disposable income and the mountains of time for a venture that drains bank accounts and life force.

The Yoga Room community though is still in shock. Subbing the yin class on Friday, I was put in the position of informing a few students who hadn't heard the news and fielding questions from others who wondered about  punch passes they'd recently purchased. Although the studio had planned to run through the summer, the space owner lucked into a new tenant willing to move in sooner despite the massive street renovation likely to eat up the summer and deter fair weather foot traffic.

One of the students queried me about where Jade was going to teach and discovering that she might not, wondered about my own plans.

Truthfully, I don't have any. I'd hoped to teach more at the studio when fall came in addition to my classes at the community hall, which are about as sure a thing as anything these days. The woman suggested I look into teaching yoga for the city as they have a difficult time finding and keeping teachers. She offered me a contact name and I supposed I need to through together a resume and pitch myself. I am underwhelmed by the city's recreational yoga space - the library basement. I took my first yoga classes there. It's cold and hard in the way of basements, and dark in the gloomy way of dungeons.

The event is one of those "doors and windows" moments. Nothing closes that something doesn't open in response. Karma has to flow after all.

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